The Athletes Sports Bag Membership Program includes:
Unique Online Vibrational Sound programs to improve your sporting performance and recovery The Optimal Athlete Pro (PDF download of Amazon E-book and print versions) The Athletic Circle of Truth Program (Download) The Writing Positive Athletic Intention Statements (Download) A Mental Health and Wellness section (Includes downloadable vibrational sounds and meditations) A Healthy Eating Section Featured Columnists and Athletes Articles Zero Cost Affiliate Account Sponsorship Opportunities

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Originally created as a gym program The Best Workout For You program offers an online session designed to recalibrate your bodies ‘energy fields’ using vibrational sounds.
Based on vibrational sound programs
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For the athlete who wants more; One on one personal programs are available for those who want individual attention to assist in fine tuning and improving their performance. The Athletes Sports Bag program is an innovative new idea created to assist athletes to ‘fine tune’ their sporting performance by releasing physical and mental blocks and muscle memory programs from the body. Using an extensive knowledge of the body and mind connection in a simple and non invasive format it is possible to improve and adapt sporting performance to its optimal levels.
Based on unique vibrational sound programs....

Sheila created a hypnotherapy program specifically targeted to my goals and needs at the time. I would listen to her soothing voice each night as I lay in bed and I would fall asleep to her enforcing the positive thoughts that I needed to hear. It was certainly took me by surprise as I almost immediately felt the difference. I stopped craving bad foods, I felt good about my journey to transform my body and to show my achievements to all on stage. It was the easiest competition preparation I had ever done. I woke refreshed in the mornings and I just felt great considering all the training and limited food I was having. I honestly believe that my sessions with Sheila made all the difference and I would recommend it to anyone seeking help with whatever issue they come across in life. Be it body or mind.
We offer two
options of vibrational sounds
with bells or music
The Athletes Sports Bag is for you if:
- You are willing to think outside the box.
- Are open to new and innovative ideas.
- You know that you can do more / achieve more.
- You have a ‘burn or a desire ’ to succeed.
- It is time to step up and improve your performance.