T.M.J.Pack with Bells and Frequencies
March 14, 2023
Confidence and Self Assurance Pack 2
March 15, 2023Confidence and Self Assurance Pack 1
Energetically Accepting Confidence and Self Assurance with Music and Frequencies
The Sounds from Source Energetically Accepting Confidence and Self Assurance sounds no 131 were the fourth of 6 very powerful sounds written in one short day with a foundation or base of the Freedom sounds which were created just over a year ago early 2007. (Yes I wrote some of this a long time ago)
The Freedom Sounds were unique in their way of being written, and although very short were and still are extremely powerful in the levels of genetic ancestral patterning that they work to.
The title of the Energetically Accepting Confidence and Self Assurance sounds looks at and then dis-creates the levels of fear and worry we may have about attempting new tasks and projects and of being in the public spotlight or needing to display a confident persona to the world.
How did this sound came about?
All of my life I have suffered from shyness, horrifically as a small child, and not much better as an adult. Yet most people who know me now would dispute that fact.
I have been described as outgoing and confident in the past and I have laughed and said it is a good front for how I really feel.
Knowing that to share the Sounds from Source with the world as we are instructed to do, that I would need to be prepared to actually speak publicly about them at some stage rather than just ring bells, the Energetically Accepting Confidence and Self Assurance sounds were a must.
May they assist others with the same or similar issues
Comment from Susan – Again, as Sheila and I reached the realisation that if we were go out and introduce the sounds to the ‘world’ as it were – we could both do with an injection of serious self confidence.
This sound was and is just the ticket. This series of sounds are excellent for anyone who needs that energetic ‘push’ into the marketplace.
This sound also has never been released for sale although some of the Sounds from Source programs are available on the website at:
https://www.soundsfromsource.com/directory-of-all-sounds.htmMany of the original Sounds from Source programs are Practitioner use only and fit into different categories of learning.
In recreating this powerful sound I am pleased to be able to offer it as a part of the Your Energetic Business programs for The Speaker Program at www.yourenergeticbusiness.comas I believe that it will assist in presenting from a relaxed and focused perspective.
The Energetically Accepting Confidence and Self Assurance sounds and the Focus Activation and Movement sounds fit very well with the third sound in this program of Energetically Fearless and Optimistic from the same series and are suitable for daily use as well as Speaker or Presentation usage.By adding these programs on the Sheila-Kennedy.com website at www.sheila-kennedy.com I can make them program available to a wider audience.
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