Featured Athletes
When anyone thinks of the life of a competitive athlete we assume a few things: eat right, train hard, sleep well. With all our focus on the body, we neglect to pay attention to the spirit and the mind. We all hear about competition anxiety, emotional baggage, and self-defeating talk - But do we do anything about it? The truth is, if we're not aligned energetically then our intention will not follow.
I'm a big believer in exploring alternative ways of balancing the inner warrior. That's why I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of the Athlete's Sports Bag Program. Just the simple act of playing some sounds daily made a world of a difference.
For my last tournament, everything was effortless. I had never felt more confident in myself, strong in my body, and balanced as a being. Whenever I felt run down, I would play "Elevated Energy Levels" to pick myself back up. If my body was sore, I'd turn to "Inflammation" and "Joint Pain". When that self-defeating voice would get loud, I would play "Performance Anxiety" or any of the other key sounds of the program. You necessarily don't have to trust in what these sounds do to start the program - Instead, trust in the intentions that Tina and Sheila have; the sounds will do the rest of the work. All you have to do is push play.
Jasmine Bienvenue
It's been a year now since i made contact with Sheila and Tina, who has been very supportive and helped me to perform better in my running and day to day life.
From an athlete's perspective, the ASB sounds have been helping me alot to stay focused when running, am able to increase my speed and distance without feeling tired and my recovery afterwards is incredible. As i am training for my Half Marathon this year, i have been increasing my distance every weekend and recently i did 11.2km and expected to be sore for days after. I played my recovery and muscle sounds and was not even sore the next day, as where my other half did 15km and was in pain and discomfort for nearly 7 days.
When i look back at where i started doing a 5km run in 47 minutes, then down to 38 minutes, 33 minutes and recently got it down to under 30 min. I think that is pretty amazing that you can experience such a big difference in just over a year. When i do not use my sounds for whatever reason, i can feel the difference. Therefore i ensure that i play my daily playlist first thing in the morning as i open my eyes and my before and after playlist when training.
Without my sounds whilst training i do struggle to stay focused, my energy levels drop, my recovery takes longer and my muscles are sore for days on, i get tired quite quickly and do not feel motivated at all.
I am ever so grateful and blessed to have these two people in my life and the support they offer is much appreciated. The time and effort Sheila and Tina puts in to assist the athletes are incredible and always remember, you two ladies rock. Thanks again for all the hard work you put into this amazing program. Much love always ~~ Dolene
Dolene Paulsen
I met Sheila Kennedy at a time in my life where I was ready to move forward in life and in my sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Having dyslexia, injuries and a lot of mental past traumas, I found my sport very hard due to a lot of different moves to remember, my body not being agile and not being able to focus and concentrate.
Sheila has changed my life. I have now been ranked as a high achieving athlete in the sport Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in Australia with all the help from Sheila. She has made my body a well oiled machine with her work allowing my body, mind and spirit to be in Champion mode all the time.
What Sheila does is release trauma that is holding you back and provides your body with the essential properties to allow you to truly be able to do all the things you want to do in your life in the best way possible.
Tina Louise Ciavarella
Victorian Brazillian Jui-Jitsu Gold MedalistI began training in Jujitsu at a stage in my life when I was lost, sad and burdened with so much trauma that I needed to do something to release all these unwanted thoughts, feelings and emotions. Early on in my Jiu-Jitsu journey I was learning many holistic modalities but nothing seemed to truly help me to get to the place I so long desired. That place was a happy, healthy loving state knowing my journey and my life’s purpose.
Someone told me about this lady named Sheila Kennedy. They said ‘oh my gosh you just have to meet this lady! I can’t explain just go see her…you need Sheila!...Kind of like when someone jokes about saying you need Dr Phil. So I contacted this lady called Sheila and that has been the best phone call I have ever made to this day
Sheila assisted me to deal with and work through the traumas that had held me back in a state of hatred and negativity, correcting my Dyslexia and bringing my mind body and spirit to a happy and healthy state.
Sheila and her ‘sounds’ and her abundant knowledge has literally, totally and abundantly changed my life.
Sheila had an interest in my Brazilian Jujitsu from day dot, recognizing the chance to allow me to become an incredible athlete. But incredible wouldn’t be enough for Sheila Kennedy. You see Sheila never stops thinking. And nor will she ever, which is why we have this amazing program available for all athletes.
Over the years while training and competing I had begun to be aware of a lot of things that I could not ignore, as they drained my energy and also my motivation, and I couldn’t allow that to be so. It all got to a point that I had a tantrum and a cry and said I have had enough, we need to do something about all this crap’! What crap you may ask?
Well all of that self sabotage, external sabotage from people who truly do not want you to succeed, the heavy energy from many gyms and competition venues, and most importantly the feeling you can be more than you are. but that your body needs some help from a positive source.
So that is when Wisdom and Youth sat and began to brainstorm and brain storm and brainstorm some more until …boom we had something beyond amazing and could not wait to create it!!! So here we are.After going through a great deal of ‘crap’ myself through training and competing, Sheila and I have for you a truly remarkable program that can allow YOU to become that optimal athlete and beyond.
I am now running workshops around the world, seeing clients from all different countries and meeting many athletes who wish to pursue their journeys even further to become their own empowering selves. I am blessed to be doing what I am doing. Although it has not come easy it has been worth it and I long to inspire others to follow their dreams.
Tina (Ciavarella) West
I was amazed at how well Sheila’s sounds have helped me. By listening to them every morning and the nights before training or a competition my personal best jumped by nearly 40 points from one competition to the next on the 3m springboard (178 – 216 points).
The sounds have also helped me gain a bit of confidence,Josh Herington
My experience with the use of hypnotherapy for body sculpting competition preparation.
I first met the gorgeous Sheila in 2003 when I found myself in an emotional and physical rut. My first session with Sheila was amazing, she managed to align my chakras and clear certain blockages. This was great but I still needed more help, focusing on food and body image and toning. Sheila created a hypnotherapy cd specifically targeted to my goals and needs at the time. I would listen to her soothing voice each night as I lay in bed and I would fall asleep to her enforcing the positive thoughts that I needed to hear. It was certainly took me by surprise as I almost immediately felt the difference. I stopped craving bad foods, I felt good about my journey to transform my body and to show my achievements to all on stage. It was the easiest competition preparation I had ever done. I woke refreshed in the mornings and I just felt great considering all the training and limited food I was having. I honestly believe that my sessions with Sheila made all the difference and I would recommend it to anyone seeking help with whatever issue they come across in life. Be it body or mind.
Lots of love
Josie xxJosie Inchincoli
I first met Sheila through Tina and both have helped me tremendously through some really difficult times and transitional periods in my life. In addition I hired Sheila to help me with some very specific goals for my Ms Figure competitions. Sheila created me a personalised meditation with positive affirmations and sounds to make sure my body and mind were aligned so I could get the best results possible. I ended up winning both my competitions and also took the open unlimited category.
I have been using Sheila's specific sounds throughout the years to help me with various other aspects of my own personal development and the growth of my career as a teacher/coach and athlete. I have noticed a profound difference.
I highly recommend Sheila and the products in the Athlete's Sports bag if you want to go to the next level in your athletic career.
Sophia McDermott
SophiaFITVery impressed as I listened to the audio for clearing the energy in a room. Sheila Kennedy you are doing some amazing work. Really hope that many more people embrace the undeniable fact that energy is all around us and we need to be aware of the frequencies around us. I am going to make playing this track a HABIT for sure. Thanks Sheila
Marc Miles
- Big Love
& gratitude must go out to my wonderful team mates from our team,“Remember Them” joining me in the Kokoda Challenge for their patience whilst I have been healing my Lypsync fracture on my foot !
I was determined & sent energy to where I wanted to go so I could participate with them despite being told it would require 8 weeks in my lovely accessory the “Moon boot” & then surgery after that !!
What ?
I researched natural supplements that would help with many natural remedies.. of course mindset & rest when I could (unlikely with me he he ) but I was so blessed to be divinely connected to 2 gorgeous ladies that are the main reason for me now being able to participate & healing in record time!!
I couldn’t have done this without them & my heartmelts when I remember the chance Meetings to make it happen !!
Kathleen A. Tysoe for her selfless loveto use her wonderful tool of kinesiology along with her wonderful crystal healing bed of which with her skills she’s worked with many professional athletes to heal & her unwavering friendship & love ! I was divinely sent to her a while back & feel so blessed she’s come into my life ... She’s based in Mudgeeraba on the Gold Coast where I live & she’s so worth the visit !! Kathleen can u please share below how best to get in touch with you ? Thank you &
Of course .. through Kathleen I met this wonderful lady whom I’m not sure how I can ever repay her acts of kindness as she saw something in me I didn’t see myself..
Sheila Kennedy is an angel . Having had her own full on tragedies to overcome with her own health... quite similar to mine in fact .. she was gifted the ability to create sounds & music designed to raise energy vibration to heal any ailment!!
She’s been sending me different sounds to heal my foot plus to work my muscles as though I’ve exercised when I’ve been unable & stretched them out also .. plus shes carried out fine tuning where needed so I could be the best version of me through sounds& she’s offered her lovesupport & friendship & since meeting .. my life has never ever been the same .. for the better !!
I know it sounds whoo whoo but this altogether has helped me immensely so I’m a raving fan !
I am so grateful & Sheila also works with World class athletes to heal when injured & prevent injuries & to Allow them to perform at the highest standard gaining optimum results!!
Her Athletes Sportsbag she’s in partnership with is a membership site offering incredible value with heaps of sounds she’s created for different purposes listed . Nutrition & training tips plus loads more !
She & her partner also sponsored our team for our Kokoda experience allowing us to share our journey, highlights, our individual & team profiles as well as our reasons why whilst having access to this wonderful site & the tools & together they have also donated 3 x 12 month memberships to this site so we can raise necessary money towards our fundraising target to help us help a Teen experience the real Kokoda Trail, building a village whilst there & 12 months leadership.. look out soon as we ask for bids for these & many other wonderful prizes donated !
Sheila . From the bottom of my heart... Thank you x
I’m so grateful!!
Can u please share below how others can get in touch with u & experience this magic & also share the website & how they can get involved in the membership too so they can also benefit as this needs to be shouted from the rooftops& I’m more than happy to do this !!
Look out soon as her services will be shared on my site www.yucan2.com.au
So very blessed!!
Please check it out & share with those u know will also benefit !!
I cannot believe how quickly I healed & kept fit in the process... everyone deserves to also benefit & have access too x
Let’s do this team !!
One life ... Live it!! WoohooTammy Richie