Power B BE Fearless and Optimistic
April 3, 2023Power Sounds B Pack
Just DO It
The Just DO It program with Music and Frequencies had some very early origins around 2007 / 2008 as a part of the Sounds from Source programs.
The original sound was Just Do It and you can read about then athttps://www.soundsfromsource.com/139-just-do-it.html
How often do we wish that we could Just DO It, whatever IT is.
The title of the original Just Do It sounds are intended to avoid the habits of procrastinate, to leave things until later, put them into the ’too hard basket’ and so on.
The Creative Thinking program with Music and Frequencies had some very early origins around 2005 / 2006 as a part of the Sounds from Source programs.
The original sound was Creativity and you can read about then at
The Creativity sounds were specifically designed to release and remove blockages to the individual’s creativity.
BE Focused and Activated with Music and Frequencies
The BE Focused and Activated with Music and Frequencies had some very early origins around 2007 / 2008 as a part of the Sounds from Source programs.
The original sound was called Focus, Activation and Movement and you can read about then athttps://www.soundsfromsource.com/131-focus-activation-and-movement.html
The title of the original Focus, Activation and Movement sounds remove the blockages to being focused, acting on that focus and having the motivation to move ahead in life or a given task.
Often, we have the focus, however we fail to take the action necessary to move into the phase or area we wish to be in.
BE Confident and Self Assured with Music and Frequencies
The BE Confident and Self Assured vibrational sound program with Music and Frequencies had some very early origins around 2007 / 2008 as a part of the Sounds from Source programs.
The original sound was called Energetically Accepting Confidence and Self Assurance and you can read about then at https://www.soundsfromsource.com/135-energetically-accepting-confidence-and-self-assurance.html
The title of the original Energetically Accepting Confidence and Self Assurance sounds looks at and then dis-creates the levels of fear and worry we may have about attempting new tasks and projects and of being in the public spotlight or needing to display a confident persona to the world.
BE Fearless and Optimistic with Music and Frequencies
The BE Fearless and Optimistic with Music and Frequencies vibrational sound program had some very early origins around 2007 / 2008 as a part of the Sounds from Source programs.
The original sound was called Energetically Fearless and Optimistic and you can read about then at https://www.soundsfromsource.com/134-energetically-fearless-and-optimistic.html
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